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Giving a Voice

YouGov recognises the importance of respecting and supporting the communities in which it operates, and of making a positive contribution to society through our research. “Giving a Voice” refers to our social mission to make people’s opinions heard for the benefit of the wider community. This includes our unique public data offering - read our Public Data Factsheet for more information about our platform for sharing views and starting conversations.

Engaged, diverse and opinionated panel members are key to our business.

Panel engagement

Diverse and opinionated panel members are our key to our business, and our registered panel members are our largest stakeholder group at 26 million registered individuals globally. Our Global Panel team is dedicated to keeping our panel members engaged.

Employee engagement

We recognise the significant benefits of keeping employees regularly updated on matters that affect them and the wider business. To ensure good communication with our global and agile workforce, we leverage a variety of communication channels - both one-way, and two-way with executive management. These channels include web-based and face-to-face Global and Regional Town Hall meetings, email newsletters and videos, and regular articles on Youniverse, our employee intranet site. Details of how employees are kept engaged in relation to the company’s financial and economic factors are provided in the Directors’ Report of our latest Annual Report.

Diversity & Inclusion at YouGov

Our Group Diversity & Inclusion Policy identifies our commitment to foster diversity, inclusion, equality, and equity in all of our operations. Our annual Workforce Diversity Report communicates our commitments and key representation metrics from which to monitor progress towards our workforce D&I goals.

YouGov is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing an inclusive working environment, in which our employees can realise their potential free from discrimination or harassment. Qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to race, colour, religion, socioeconomic background, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, HIV status, or any other characteristic protected by law or in line with our responsibilities as a fair and ethical employer.

YouGov is Level 1 Committed with the UK Disability Confident Scheme.

Gender & Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting

We published our first gender pay gap report in 2018, in response to the UK Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. In our 2021 report, we voluntarily expanded our pay gap reporting to include an analysis of our ethnicity pay gaps in addition to the mandated gender pay gap reporting. Each report provides an update on the actions we have taken to tackle pay gaps at YouGov.

Health & safety

YouGov takes all reasonable and practicable steps to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of its employees. We recognise our responsibility for the health and safety of those who may be affected by our activities and take care to operate in a safe and secure manner. Our approach is defined in our Group Health and Safety Policy Statement.

Employee wellbeing

YouGov is committed to ensuring that our employees have a strong sense of wellbeing at work. We achieve this by encouraging a culture of care, increasing employees’ skills, and providing support and resources for navigating the modern workplace. Our Group Working Arrangements Policy supports remote and flexible working requests in line with business need; as part of this policy we provide guidance and support on factors from line managing remote workers to managing your wellbeing at home, delivered by our People and Facilities teams.

We are an accredited Living Wage Employer in the UK.

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