Our approach to privacy
When you ask us to provide you with market research services you will enjoy access to our global market research panel that is made up of millions of people from all over the world. Or, you may wish to seek the views and opinions those that you already have a relationship with, such as your employees or customers.
We have designed policies and processes to ensure that YouGov and our clients comply with all applicable privacy and data security obligations, regardless of the type of research you’d like to do. You can find out more about our most commonly used research methods (our research panel and client sample) below, and can contact us at dataprivacy@yougov.com or speak to your YouGov contact, if you would like more information.
Whatever approach you’d like to take, you can be confident that you will always be supported by our global team of researchers with extensive survey design, industry and market research expertise. From identifying hard to reach groups to designing full-scale market studies, we have a range of specialist techniques and research methodologies to give businesses a better understanding of both their customers and target market.
Using YouGov’s online research panel
Having access to our highly engaged community means you can reach practically any audience you choose and get reliable, quality data you can trust. The privacy obligations associated with this research will depend on what kind of insights you are interested in:
- Syndicated research, such as BrandIndex and Profiles, is survey-based research created by YouGov and sold as a subscription. Because YouGov determines the questions, research methodology, size and scope of the research and samples the members to be invited, YouGov is the sole data controller of the personal data associated with this research.
- Custom research is also survey-based but is conducted for and funded by a specific client or clients. Because the research methodology and resulting insights are tailored to the specific needs of the client, YouGov will either be the sole data controller or joint data controller with the commissioning client.
This means...
- We put appropriate agreements in place with our clients to ensure that obligations for the fair and secure use of personal data are clearly defined and understood.
- We always use appropriate security measures to guarantee the security of personal data.
While most research insights we provide to our clients are in an aggregated and / or anonymous form, there are some limited scenarios where we would provide insight in an identifiable form. In these cases, we would only share identifiable data with the consent of our members, and we would put a contract in place with our client who would be receiving the data as an independent data controller. Please get speak to your YouGov contact, or contact us at dataprivacy@yougov.com, for more information.
Using your own sample
We can also help you to connect with people that you already have a relationship with. For example, you may want to find out what your employees or customers think about certain topics.
When we run a survey using your sample, we will be a data processor (or, service provider) for any data that we receive from you or collect on your behalf. While we will be acting on your instruction, we will still work with you to create engaging surveys and to ensure that the survey invitations include clear and succinct privacy information. While you will be responsible for the privacy information that is included in the invitation and the survey, we can help you to understand your obligations.